Tuesday 19 June 2012

Role change and organisational objectives

Role change and organisational objectives:

When I started my current role as a claims risk analyst I was required to support claim operational controller to identify operational risk across each claim sites and to use my own initiative to identify its impact on claims. I was required to have experience in financial services, good business knowledge and excellent communication, both written and oral. Good analytical skills, strong relationship building, negotiation & influencing skills. Awareness of operational risk management was desirable. Proficiency in use of MS office packages, excellent problem solving and organisational skills. Good commercial awareness of insurance industry was also necessary.

Initially my responsibilities were to facilitate the risk and control assessments, conduct risk event investigation & analysis. Support the preparation of risk reporting and assist in delivery of risk control actions.

Company objectives have changed over the last few years, from trying to expand the business and becoming a well known brand into maintaining our customers and becoming the most loved insurance company in the UK.

The main objectives this year are to focus on business sustainability, by focusing on consistency / quality/management control process. Advance planning for business improvement projects / monitoring process. Promoting a positive profile of the company and creating an environment where people/staff want to belong, also able to succeed. Improving performance behaviour to promote the company’s value & culture and finally managing financial expenses & financial control to improve efficiency and productivity.

As business sustainability/ being financially viable as well as being best loved by our staff and customers is key, my job role has also changed to meet these requirements. For example I now assist my manager in ensuring that all members of staff have regular monthly meetings with the relevant line manager & have a clear development plan. This is something outside of my role profile, however it is crucial in ensuring we maintain our staff and provide them with feed back and training to ensure our customers receive the best service.

Currently I work very closely with business improvement in impact assessing all work request and projects (ensuring risks are identified in timely fashion & corrective actions are implemented before projects go live or further work is carried out).  
Rather than supporting my manager in preparing risk reporting on monthly basis, my self and a colleague are now responsible in completing this task as our manager no longer has the capacity, due to changes to her role also as a result of company objectives. In my manager absence I manage the team & provide relevant updates to various stakeholders/ senior manager.

As customer journey is a key focus I also attend a TCF= treating customer Fairly Committee on a monthly basis to discuss any concerns & issues were customer may not be treated fairly and agree corrective actions to be implemented & monitored.
Reducing leakage is anther important objective, so at present the main focus in my role is to look into all monitoring reports being carried out by various claims areas to ensure where leakage has been identified corrective actions have been implemented.

Although the awareness of ‘Operational Risk’ was desirable requirement, this has now become a key requirement. Also due to financial viability I have had to expand my knowledge to be able to analyse financial as well as operational impacts to the business.

Thanks for this work.
The object of this exercise was to reflect on how a managers role is influenced and determined by the aims and objectives of the business. There are a number of issues here, for example it may change the managers outlook towards staff, it may change their preferred style of leadership, it may lead to a change in priorities. I think you have addresses these where relevant. Over the next few weeks you will see more often the need to stand back somewhat from your own job role and take an objective view of your organisation and the policies and procedures, methods and so on and discuss how these affect how you  perform, and develop as a manager.

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